Tahoe WAN PCI Card configuration using the sethdlc utility
The sethdlc utility is used to configure the Tahoe WAN PCI Card. After downloading the archive, you should unpack it, compile and install: root@linux /usr/src # tar -zxvf sethdlc-1.16t.tar.gz
transparent HDLC: sethdlc hdlc0 hdlc [encoding] [parity] where:
HDLC treated as an Ethernet interface: sethdlc hdlc0 hdlc-eth [encoding] [parity] - parameters same as above
Cisco®HDLC: sethdlc hdlc0 cisco [interval value] [timeout value] where:
Frame Relay: sethdlc hdlc0 fr [lmi type [parameter]] where:
Moreover in case of Frame Relay protocol you can create and delete PVCs (Permanent Virtual Channels) with given DLCI values: sethdlc hdlc0 create 99 After creating a PVC, a new interface is created - pvc0, pvc1 and so on.
Synchronous PPP: sethdlc hdlc0 ppp
X.25: sethdlc hdlc0 x.25 In case of Tahoe 971/972 cards you also have to specify, which timeslots are used for transmission. Timeslots can be given in two ways - as a list of numbers (from 1 to 32) and ranges separated by commas or as a string of zeros and ones (where '0' means an unused slot and '1' - an used one, with the first slot at the beginning of the string): sethdlc hdlc0 slotmap 2-8,20-21,25 sethdlc hdlc0 slotmap 01111111000000000001100010000000 Use of the first timeslot automaticaly enables unframed mode, where whole 2048 kbps are used for data transfer. Otherwise the first timeslot is used for framing synchronization.The command below enables and disables, respectively, transmission of the CRC4 checksum: sethdlc hdlc0 crc4 on Another command switches betweed short haul (50m range) and long haul (2000m range) mode: sethdlc hdlc0 short After configuring a card using the sethdlc utility you can proceed to regular interface configuration (using hdlc0, hdlc1 or pvc## interfaces), routing setup, etc. |